Photo of Naitry Patel

Naitry Patel

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hey, my name is Naitry and I am running for the position of Executive Committee member. Having enjoyed many surgical conferences and talks over the last two years I believe I can provide a perspective that works to improve the attendee experience and the accessibility for specialities within surgery.

Having learnt about my interests in surgery through conferences and networking, I am keen on collaborating with other universities and speciality-specific societies to gain deeper insights for members. The existing specialities spotlight series provides a good starting point for this. Cardiothoracic and paediatric surgery, for example, provide a lot of scope for collaboration. In terms of accessibility to surgery, implementing details such as polls on Instagram, day-in-the-life/more casual uploads and conversations and increased interactivity through PBL cases can achieve higher engagement and inclusivity.

I possess a lot of drive and enthusiasm for this role and will be a lot of help logistically. Having talked to sponsors and coordinated a cultural show with over 100 members this year, I can adapt well to obstacles and have developed my time management through working successfully on multiple tasks and deadlines. I exhibit a wide skill set that will prove valuable in planning and running events. I have organised and observed well-coordinated events and conferences; I appreciate how vital recruitment of speakers, scheduling and increasing the inclusivity and interaction of individuals will be in running successful events.

Thank you for reading my manifesto :)