Photo of Diya Datta

Diya Datta

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hey everyone, I'm Diya! I'm excited to apply for the position of Executive Committee Member in Imperial Surgical Society.

Imperial Surgical Society is highly esteemed within the medical school, and plays a crucial role within our community by providing valuable opportunities that we would not typically encounter in our everyday teaching and placements; to explore and appreciate the field of surgery and the dynamic, ever-changing nature of it.

Serving as a platform for organising conferences, workshops and mentorship schemes, among other initiatives aimed at fostering interest and excellence in surgery among medical students; it has never been easier to interact with experienced and highly regarded surgeons in the medical field, learn about the latest advancements, and gain practical insights into what it would be like to have a future career in surgery. Their commitment to organising such events demonstrates true dedication to nurturing the next generation of surgical professionals.

Both a desire to be a part of this mission; and a passion for surgery means I am firmly dedicated to serving as a proactive and committed member of this society. If given the opportunity to be on the Executive Committee, I will make sure to help in the cultivation of an environment where aspiring surgeons are encouraged to flourish, whether this be through helping organise workshops and facilitating networking opportunities, or by simply being a supportive committee member!