Photo of Andre Ma

Andre Ma

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hi! My name is Andre, and I am hoping to run for the position of Executive Committee member in Surgical Society next year! As part of the subcommittee of Surgical Society, I realised the intricate teamwork and extensive planning needed in order for each event to go ahead. I would love the opportunity to contribute to the lasting legacy of this society, and to take up more responsibilities as part of the core members to make this society even more inclusive and dynamic. I developed my communication skills, teamwork and time management skills throughout the course of the year, as well as from running my previous school’s medical society last year. I believe this has prepared me to communicate effectively and professionally with speakers, other committee members, as well as budgeting and preparing adequately for an event to run smoothly. I promise to be effective, efficient and professional in my post, and I look forward to working with my future colleagues!