Photo of Akshaya Muthirulandi

Akshaya Muthirulandi

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hi! I am Akshaya Muthirulandi, one of your future Surgical Society General Executive Committee Member!

Having spent this year serving on subcommittee for Surgical Society, I have gained invaluable experience in being a part of the organising committee for the plastic surgery masterclass (coming soon) :) and helping recruiting mentors for the currently very popular mentorship scheme. Furthermore, being in subcommittee has given me insight into how events such as the masterclasses run and how the events which are in coordination with the Student Union are run, such as the Mock PACES, which I was able to help out with, this year. Additionally, this year I was the Head of Culture for Imperial’s Tamil Society – which gave me invaluable organisation skills, time management and taught me how to deal with union demands with rooms etc, an inevitable part of the GenExec job.

Next Year, I would hopefully be able to include other specialities within the masterclass series such as the Cardiothoracic Masterclasses and running an event in partnership with Imperial’s MedTech to make a masterclass in medical technology within surgery – including the use of simulation-based training techniques – such as laparoscopic techniques.

Thank you so much for reading my manifesto! I hope that I have proved to you my dedication to the Surgical Society and I have earned your vote :)