Photo of Tony Alocious

Tony Alocious

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hi, I’m Tony Alocious 👋

I’m currently a Fresher Rep of SurgSoc and was part of the Orthopoedics Skills Day organising committee, one of the flagship conferences of SurgSoc. My role involved drafting emails to delegates and creating spreadsheets to recruit speakers and demos honing my communication and organisational skills. Being a group leader for the workshops proved my responsibility and leadership. Helping set up the conference from 7 a.m. to clearing up until everything was sorted reflects my dedication and professionalism.

Hosting over 60 delegates!! and boasting 5 workshops, running an event of this scale has equipped me with the skills and knowledge required to competently run my own.

  • My main hope for the coming year as GenExec would be to run a Neurosurgery conference in partnership with Neuroscience society (whom I’ve been in contact with). They have hosted Dr Henry Marsh and other high-profile individuals previously, and we could attract a large delegate turn-out.
  • I’m also hoping to engage secondary school students interested in surgery by creating a 3-hour workshop on ‘Introduction and Pathways to Surgery’. This could be done in collaboration with ‘In2MedSchool’.
  • As a fresher rep myself, I found getting involved in the organisation of events incredibly satisfying; so, I would like to work more closely with the new Fresher Reps too.

I am enthusiastic and eager to get involved, whether that be a conference chair or a series lead. I can’t wait to work with and learn from all of you!

Thank you :)