Photo of Anoushka Khot

Anoushka Khot

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hi I'm Anoushka.

As one of the mock creators for Surgical Society’s Junior Anatomy Series, I have gained some insight into the inner workings of the society and would love to get further involved. My priorities would involve widening the scope of events through which Surgical Society reaches out to you, its members. Through my previous experience in roles such as Head of Debate Committee, Events Officer for Respiratory Medicine Society, and through my work lecturing Phase 1a students and with prospective medical students with ICSM Vision, I have developed the skills to expand student potential, develop an academic community that aims to address all needs and concerns and thus improve student satisfaction.

Surgical Society for me has provided a medium for inspiration, through branching out and connecting with surgeons of various specialties to offer students early exposure to the nature of the work and anecdotal insights into speakers' lives and experiences.

I myself have thoroughly enjoyed the Specialty Spotlight Series as of this year and as Surgical Society Executive Committee member, I would like to further the impact at this stage by opening the door to suggestions and making more events accessible to students given many financial restrictions faced by students. I hope that this would be in addition to more London-wide collaborative events to develop career prospects and progression and achieve lasting and worthwhile insights for students such as research opportunities which shall promote the utility of evidence-based practice.

Thank you!