Photo of Lawrence Lam

Lawrence Lam

Surgical: Executive Committee Member

Hi, I’m Lawrence and I’m running to be an Executive Committee member.

After having been part of Surg Soc last year as sub-committee I’m keen to help the society in a greater capacity. As a sub-committee I was actively involved in the planning of the JAS Phase 1A lecture series and the Inaugural Surgical Society Event, which were both successful events. The most important thing I’ve learnt as part of sub-committee is that communication and organisation is key to running a successful event, both on the day and prior. Meetings prior to the event and using WhatsApp group chats can help facilitate this; allowing for people to consistently know what their roles are prior to the event and if it ever changes during the event. As an Executive Committee member, I would like to help run OSD and one of the ways I would make this event better is by finding a clinical lead to help with organisational issues. I would also like to propose a new ENT surgery skills event as this is an underrepresented specialty in the ENT curriculum and believe that students would be interested in having this exposure earlier on. My roles in Fashion Show and ENT society have given me the opportunity to finetune my skillset in writing emails to get speakers, workshops, and sponsorships. I believe that my experience and skillset prove that I am fit for the role and hope that you would be interested in voting for me.