Oncology: Vice-President


Amit Mallya

Hi, my name is Amit Mallya and I am a 2nd year medical student. I have put myself forward as a candidate for this role because oncology deeply interests me because it combines my passion for medicine with the opportunity to make a tangible impact on people’s lives during some of their most challenging times. The complexity and continuous evolution of cancer treatment, from cutting-edge therapies like immunother ...

Sudharshan Palaniappa

Hi everyone! My name is Sudharshan, and I’m a third-year medical student who is excited to be running for the position of Vice-President in Oncology Society. My journey in OncoSoc began two years ago when I attended the Surgical Oncology Conference as a delegate. I then joined the subcommittee and was later elected as the current Academic Officer. These experiences have allowed me to contribute to the society& ...

Raghul Rajchandar

Hey everyone, I’m Raghul, and I am thrilled to be running for Vice President of Imperial’s Oncology Society. As a current representative of its subcommittee, I have arranged for renowned clinicians to present their integral research at surgical talks, liaised with speakers for our national surgical conference and moderated the Society’s IMT-led lecture series for preclinical medical students. Ad ...

Egor Tonin

Hi everyone! I am Egor, a Medical Biosciences student running for the position of Vice President of the Oncology Society. To me, cancer is more than just a disease - it represents fear, uncertainty, and suffering, but also a vast and ever-evolving field of research. As one of the leading causes of death worldwide, cancer is a critical topic that must be addressed. By running for this position, I aim to support the fu ...

Yuki Agarwala

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