Photo of Raghul Rajchandar

Raghul Rajchandar

Oncology: Vice-President

Hey everyone,

I’m Raghul, and I am thrilled to be running for Vice President of Imperial’s Oncology Society. As a current representative of its subcommittee, I have arranged for renowned clinicians to present their integral research at surgical talks, liaised with speakers for our national surgical conference and moderated the Society’s IMT-led lecture series for preclinical medical students.

Advertising workshops for the National University Respiratory Conference and helping to run the International OesophagoGastric Cancer exposes me to leadership duties, while co-founding Imperial Polygeia, a global health think tank society, has honed my skills in creating opportunities for students passionate about oncology.

Since my role as President of my school’s Medical Society, I’ve had a profound appreciation for social interactivity and wish to incorporate this into our Society in future events. As MedEd’s Phase 1 lecturer, I acknowledge the vital role that mentors play in shaping students’ aspirations.

As your vice president, I strive to:

  • Initiate research-based networking opportunities to connect ardent students with pioneering oncologists.
  • Coordinate panel discussions to discuss and morally debate breakthroughs in cancer treatment.
  • Act as a strong right hand to the President and a pillar of support to the rest of the committee in its ambitious endeavours.

Above all, I am reminded of the importance of prompt, open communication within our committee, navigating conflicts together and utilising each other’s strengths to delegate tasks effectively. Vote for me as your Vice President and join me in driving change, inspiring innovation and positively impacting OncoSoc together. Thank you!