Orthopaedics Society: Sponsorship Officer


Sudharshan Palaniappa

Hi, I’m Sudharshan, a third-year medical student, and I’m thrilled to be running for Sponsorship Officer of Orthopaedics Society. Orthopaedics has always been a field that excites me, and I want to help make it more accessible to students through increased opportunities, resources, and collaborations. As Sponsorship Officer, I would aim to secure partnerships and funding to enhance the society’s of ...

Anthony Sim

Hi everyone! My name is Anthony and I'm a 3rd year medic aspiring to become a surgeon and I'm greatly interested in orthopaedics. I'm applying for sponsorship officer for orthopaedics society since I'm passionate about helping deliver exciting events with the help of relevant and formative sponsors to help people with an interest in orthopaedics explore their passions to the fullest. Without financial backing, ide ...

Ashish Lobo

Hey everyone, I’m running for Sponsorship Officer because I want to bring in better deals, more interactive workshops, and stronger industry connections for OrthoSoc. I’ve got experience working with companies and individuals to secure sponsorships for events, and I know how to negotiate deals that actually benefit us, not just the sponsors. One of my main ideas is to set up hands-on workshops where com ...

Mariya Khan

Hi, I'm Mariya, and I'd love to join the Orthopaedics Society committee! This year, I'm a Workshop Coordinator on the subcommittee for this Society's first-ever national conference. I've demonstrated that I can meet my deadlines and the expectations of my team. In this role, I've secured leading experts in the field to run the workshops and provide inspirational insights to our attendees. However, this experience t ...

Manas Paul

Hey everyone! I’m Manas, I am running to be your future sponsorship officer because I want to make sure that our society has strong partnerships and brings enhanced clinical workshops and networking events to all of our aspiring orthopaedic surgeons. You all deserve it and I will put my all into this role. I would really appreciate your vote, thank you!

Masroor Salam

Hi! My name is Masroor. I am running for Orthopaedics Society: Sponsorship Officer. Having served as the Publicity Officer for Doctorpreneurs' Halfway Dinner, I have developed strong communication and organizational skills, successfully promoting and managing events that engage and inspire students. Furthermore, as the Welfare Representative for the BSc year, I have been deeply involved in student support, ensuring ...

Toh Pungpapong

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