Photo of Anthony Sim

Anthony Sim

Orthopaedics Society: Sponsorship Officer

Hi everyone!

My name is Anthony and I'm a 3rd year medic aspiring to become a surgeon and I'm greatly interested in orthopaedics.

I'm applying for sponsorship officer for orthopaedics society since I'm passionate about helping deliver exciting events with the help of relevant and formative sponsors to help people with an interest in orthopaedics explore their passions to the fullest.

Without financial backing, ideation and infrastructure from sponsors, a society can't deliver on new ideas and pursue crucial pathways such as those of effective education, research and outreach.

With my experience in Gastro&Hep helping with networking and sponsorship, I will help secure reputable sponsors with secure funding, impressive credentials and networks, and great packages/ I will work closely with the rest of the committee to solidify sustainability and security in the clubs activities and help maintain a strong engagement from out community.

Let's inspire our peers to get stuck in with orthopaedics and take charge of their career aspirations!

Thank you for reading and your vote would be very much appreciated : )