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Kamya Mandhar

Paediatrics: Secretary

Hi Everyone! I’m Kamya, a third year medic and would love to be your Secretary next year!

I’ve always had a passion for Paediatrics and have been part of this amazing society since year 1 and I’ve loved every moment. Volunteering with PlayTeam and Nutritank has helped me enhance my communication skills and creativity and being on conference subcommittee has refined my organisation and time management skills which are all crucial for this role. As Play Coordinator this year I collaborated with several committee members which has given me a thorough insight into how Committee works together in synergy. Also, I have some exciting ideas for socials that won't be committee exclusive and will bring out the competitive spirit and inner child in everyone.

I want to continue the brilliant job of our current secretaries by increasing outreach to members via engaging newsletters and initiating the mentoring scheme with the Presidents by utilising my networking skills that I have developed as Governor at GOSH to reach out to senior clinicians and alumni for mentorship and workshops/events. I will take efficient minutes in meetings and work effectively and proactively with the union for making room bookings timely as this is a huge and key responsibility.

I am a team player who is proactive, reliable and approachable and this will enable me to support other committee members especially the Presidents in ensuring Paediatric committee runs smoothly whilst also encouraging more people to join this fantastic society.

Thank you for reading my manifesto!