Lifestyle Medicine and Prevention : Education Officer


Abigail Tan

Hi everyone! My name is Abigail Tan and I am running to be Chair of LMAP society! LMAP has been something that interests me especially in second year, especially with the focus on public health and the various aspects of population health. Having had a summer job in population health, I learnt how to curate educational materials on health coaching and motivational interviewing, and seen it applied in real-life durin ...

Suraubi Rajendra

Hi! I am Suraubi and I am running for education officer of LMAP society this year! Lifestyle medicine is the foundation of long-term health. With several non-communicable diseases on the rise, prevention is just as important as treatment. Although lifestyle factors and non-pharmacological measures have repeatedly proven to be effective in preventing and managing medical conditions, they are often underemphasised, and ...

Amna Rida

Hello Everyone! I am Amna, a second year medical student and I’m running for the LMAP Education Officer to enhance accessibility, student support and most importantly academic resources. Having thoroughly enjoyed studying LMAP over the past two years, I appreciate its amazing and engaging content - but I also recognise the challenges that can sometimes hinder the full experience of this fulfilling course. As E ...