Hi everyone, my name is Asaavari (Asa to the year 1s and 2s), and I am standing to be your next secretary! Exactly a year ago, I was sat on my bed trying to imagine what my life at imperial would be like and the first thing that I found, which spoke to me, was Teddy Bear Hospital. The idea of filling my otherwise fairly empty Wednesday afternoons with smiling faces and teddy bears was perfect. And I couldn’t h ...
Hello! As the current Publicity Officer for TBH I've gained a great deal of insight into the logistics of running the society, communicating with other members to work well collaboratively and meeting deadlines. I've also learnt about the importance of collaborating with other societies when publicising events to widen engagement, which is something I'm very interested in bringing forward into a role as secretary. M ...
Hi, it's Laksia! From the school visits I've been to this year, I've really loved seeing the rationale of the society and being able to help reduced young children's anxiety around healthcare, so I'd love to continue my contributions to the society by becoming part of the incredible committee, who works so hard to put enable us to do this. As someone who lives by organisation and uses probably more than a sane num ...