Pre-hospital emergency medicine is high-intensity, high-pressure, and high-stakes—so looking after our own is just as important as looking after patients. As Welfare Officer, I want to make sure everyone feels supported, included, and valued, whether that’s through wellbeing initiatives, peer support, or just being someone you can talk to. Why Me? 🫂 Experience in Welfare & Support – I was a W ...
Having a deep interest in emergency medicine, trauma and critical care, what better way to get immersed and meet like-minded individuals than join this committee? Having me as your welfare officer would guarantee my unwavering commitment to help support my peers and ensure we all have the best possible experience as part of this society! Emergency medicine is universally agreed to be an especially intense field and ...
Hi! I’m Rhea and I’m excited to run for welfare officer in our society! Pre-hospital emergency med is such an incredibly exciting and stimulating area of medicine, so ensuring your well-being is taken care of is just as vital as taking care of our future patients. With your support, I will ensure we promote and display welfare support for all members and foster a supportive community within our society so ...
Hiya I’m a second year and running for welfare officer this year! I’m passionate about PHEM and would like to create more opportunities for us to be able to get involved and hands on in the field and make these more accessible and affordable. I would also like to get weekly emails started up and organise more networking sessions and career pathway sessions to help us understand how we can get into PHEM ...
Hey everyone, I’m nour and I’m running for Welfare Officer. I’m passionate about getting involved in this society, and joining the community. I’m interested in emergency medicine, and feel I can add value to the society whilst also learning more about the speciality. Thank you
Being the secretary for PHEM for the past year, I have gained experience managing the adminstrative side of our society, from documenting meeting minute to publicitising our PHEM Talks. With a deep understanding of how to support our members, I am excited to run for Welfare Officer, putting your wellbeing at the heart of everything I do. I plan to achieve this with the following “E”s: Emergency Phone ...
Hi, my name is Anab Aideed, and I am a third-year medical student passionate about Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) and student welfare. I am running for Welfare Officer because I want to ensure that every student involved in PHEM has access to the support they need to navigate the challenges that come with experiencing pre-hospital and emergency care. Through my participation in the Ambulance Observer Progr ...