Hey, my names Nishita and I'm a first year Medical Biosciences student. This year I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of Hindu Soc, and attending the various events that they hosted. But as I go into second year I would like to have a more hands on and active role within the society, by gaining a position on the committee. Out of all the roles offered, publicity officer appealed to me the most. This is because I l ...
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.
Hey guys! I am Sana, a second year biomedical science student and I'm excited to offer my candidacy for the role of Publicity Officer for the Hindu Society. With a diverse skill set and a deep commitment to promoting our cultural heritage and values, I'm ready to take on this role with enthusiasm. My primary responsibilities would include managing our society's presence on social media platforms like whatsapp, Inst ...
This candidate did not supply a manifesto.