Photo of Sana Singla

Sana Singla

Hindu Society: Publicity Officer

Hey guys!

I am Sana, a second year biomedical science student and I'm excited to offer my candidacy for the role of Publicity Officer for the Hindu Society. With a diverse skill set and a deep commitment to promoting our cultural heritage and values, I'm ready to take on this role with enthusiasm.

My primary responsibilities would include managing our society's presence on social media platforms like whatsapp, Instagram and TikTok, where I'll be sharing engaging content about our events and initiatives. I'll also be overseeing the freshers chat, providing new students with insights into our society and encouraging them to become members.

With a strong presence on social media, I'm well-equipped to effectively communicate our message to a wider audience. Through creative content creation, strategic social media management, and engaging promotional campaigns, I'll ensure that our society's message resonates across various platforms.

Moreover, my dedication to inclusivity and collaboration will ensure that all voices within our community are heard and represented.

Vote for me as the Publicity Officer for the Hindu Society!