Photo of Nishita Kalapala

Nishita Kalapala

Hindu Society: Publicity Officer

Hey, my names Nishita and I'm a first year Medical Biosciences student.

This year I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of Hindu Soc, and attending the various events that they hosted. But as I go into second year I would like to have a more hands on and active role within the society, by gaining a position on the committee.

Out of all the roles offered, publicity officer appealed to me the most. This is because I love using Instagram & tiktok so would have fun handling the Hindu Soc social media accounts. I would also say I'm a fairly artistic & creative individual so will be able to come up with new ideas for content and aid in designing the flyers for different events.

This year I found that when I asked my friends whether they were going to different Hsoc events, they didn't know what I was referring to. So, in the coming year, I would like to focus on increasing engagement on the social media pages in order to increase the number of people being aware of events and therefore turning up to them. I also aim to provide quick responses to any queries that get sent to the social media accounts. Additonally I would like to make the tiktok account more active, and use it to engage with the members of Hsoc.

With that said, please vote for me as your Hindu Soc Publicity officer for 2024/2025 :)