Photo of Ayushi Gianchandani

Ayushi Gianchandani

Oncology: Conference Officer

Hi, I'm Ayushi, a third-year medic. After being the Academic Officer for the society this past year, I'd love the opportunity to be a part of committee again and contribute further as Conference Officer!

My passion for surgical oncology was ignited through shadowing and placements, leading me to actively engage in audits and case reports. Consequently, I've built connections with oncosurgeons from across the world - if elected, I aim to broaden the reach of our conference by inviting international speakers to enrich our understanding. I'd also continue to encourage collaborations with other universities.

Additionally, I intend to continue workshops with a special focus on desired margins during tumour excision and wound closure techniques. Further, I'd like to add interactive workshops on assessment of imaging (MRIs) for local staging and their importantance in preparing adequately for surgery.

I believe my past experience attending the conference and being on committee as academic officer has given me a great understanding of the workings of the conference and society and I've been able to build connections to ensure I can organise the conference smoothly. Additionally, as academic rep in second and third-year, I liased with faculty and other reps - the planning, management, communication and teamwork skills I've developed through these roles would be transferable, if elected, to my role as Conference Officer and allow me to organise a useful, engaging conference for students as enthusiastic about this specialty as the rest of us on comm!