Photo of Vaishaanth Nagaraj

Vaishaanth Nagaraj

Oncology: Conference Officer

Hi everyone, we’re Vaishaanth and Prachur, and we’re running for Co-Conference Chairs.

Prachur: As a course exploring the basic biology of cancer was one of the driving factors for considering a medical career, oncology is a field I am extremely passionate about. As a part of subcommittee this year, I learned the intricacies of organising the conference. Alongside this, past experiences of being Imperial’s BMA representative, finance officer for Student Medaid London, and organisational roles in 4 conferences that hosted 200+ attendees, have enabled me to develop the appropriate leadership, communication and collaborative skills to excel in my role.

Vaishaanth: Oncology is an incredibly exciting field, with potential for innovating future developments, which draws me to this field. My numerous leadership positions this year have ranged from being Sponsorship Officer of Oncology, where I had to cold-email numerous organisations to get funding for our society, to being Events Lead for MedTech, where I successfully organised an inaugural ‘Introduction to Python and Machine Learning’ workshop. These positions have developed my organisational and leadership skills significantly, putting me in good stead to helm the conference alongside Prachur.

As Co-Conference Chairs, we hope to:

  1. Improve outreach of the conference by holding it early in Term 2, around early February to avoid clashes with other conferences.
  2. Introduce new workshops, like vessel anastomosis and research.
  3. Improve collaboration with other universities.

We hope you are as eager to see our ideas as we are to implement them and hope to receive your vote! Thank you!