Photo of Shneeza Gill

Shneeza Gill

Paediatrics: Volunteer Coordinator

Hi, I’m Shneeza and I am really passionate when it comes to volunteering, particularly when advocating for children’s healthcare. In January, I participated in a 34-mile charity run for Great Ormond Street Hospital, fundraising a combined £712 with friends.

I volunteer as a Play-team leader. A role I find incredibly fulfilling and something I really look forward to. The difference play can make to a child’s experience of an otherwise scary hospital visit is always rewarding to see first-hand. I would love to get more involved in Paediatric Society and am keen to explore further volunteering opportunities.

My first volunteering role was at Shooting Star Children’s Hospice. Seeing the profound impact this charity has had on the families of terminally ill children was not only, an incredibly sobering and emotional experience, but a key factor that has driven me towards paediatrics.

Throughout university, I have prioritised volunteering and taken on various roles. As a WATCCH mentor, I was able to take part in outreach work, supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue higher education. As a part of Sexpression, I have helped deliver safeguarding and sex education lessons to college students.

Overall, my experiences have shown me the significance and power volunteers can have on both children and their families. I would really value the chance, if elected, to be part of coordinating volunteering opportunities and would take pride in making them as meaningful/rewarding as possible.