Photo of Esha Saha

Esha Saha

Neuroscience: Speaker Series Coordinator

Hey everyone! I'm Esha and I'm thilled for the oppurtunity to run as your Speaker Series Coordinator.

The neurology curriculum has consistently piqued my interest and I think that becoming a part of Neuroscience Society would be an apt extension of those interests. I would love to be part of an initiative that serves as a platform for like- minded individuals to share ideas and collaborate on mutual interests.

Neuroscience is inherantly interdisciplinary, harbouring ideas from the fields of biology, pyschology, AI and engineering that spark innovations in the way we approach clinical medicine. I would like the teaching I organise as part of the Speaker Stories to be reflective of this; an amalgamation of AI led practices in neurosurgery, computational brain imaging, and pathology- based discussions on the holistic approaches to patient care with interactive sessions in a variety of dynamic formats like panel discussions, workshops and "hot-seat" chats. I aim to curate a diverse line up of speakers from various sub- disciplinaries and career stages. I wish to prioritise oppurtunities for early- career academic researchers, within our university, to showcase their work and gain visibility, with multiple events tailored to networking, career development workshops and mentorship schemes. Additionally, I hope to organise a Q&A session which addresses the daunting task that is "Life after FY2" for students wishing to pursue neurology in the future.

I would love for the chance to implement these ideas and use my existing networks to bring fresh experiences to our members next year!