Hey everyone! I'm Esha and I'm thilled for the oppurtunity to run as your Speaker Series Coordinator. The neurology curriculum has consistently piqued my interest and I think that becoming a part of Neuroscience Society would be an apt extension of those interests. I would love to be part of an initiative that serves as a platform for like- minded individuals to share ideas and collaborate on mutual interests. Neur ...
My love for neuroscience stems from undertaking an EPQ in which I explored the development of the brain as one ages and how this influences one’s intelligence. During this project, I contacted multiple professors to gain their viewpoint on the arguments I proposed in my essay, looking for any assistance that they could provide to my dissertation. Therefore, I am extremely comfortable and proficient in being abl ...
Hello! I’m Anushka and I’m a third year medic. Neuroscience has been a field that has always interested me, and this passion has only been reinforced by the various conferences I have attended. Having been sponsorship officer for paediatrics society, I managed to get numerous sponsors for the conference, and a lot of the contacts I made through these companies would be ideal candidates when choosing sp ...
Hi, I'm Veena and I would love to be the Speaker Series Coordinator for Neuroscience Society. As the Conference Chair for Cardiovascular Society, I successfully organised an immersive and engaging conference experience for a diverse audience of 100 medical students and doctors. My meticulous approach involved thoughtfully selecting doctors whose expertise aligned with our theme, ensuring both relevance and uniqueness ...