Photo of Anusha Manikandan

Anusha Manikandan

Vision: Publicity Officer

Hi everyone,

I'm Anusha, and I would love to be Publicity Officer for ICSM Vision!

I love the ethos behind ICSM Vision, where we encourage everyone to consider a career in medicine, no matter their background. Social media is the biggest platform through which we can spread our message and reach all students from across London, and I believe that as Publicity Officer I can make our society reach more people than ever before, giving everyone a chance to get involved and network with a wide range of diverse medical students and professionals alike.

I want to focus on forming relationships with schools and colleges across London, to help foster a relationship between all students and Imperial, marking our University as one of the top ones that everyone can aspire for. Facilitating visits to schools instead of just holding workshops and conferences on campus is another way of ensuring we reach every student and breaks down another barrier faced by those wanting to pursue medicine at Imperial. I want to solidify our online presence, through Instagram, TikTok, etc; exploring all avenues of reaching students who could benefit from what our society and community does, whilst also shining a spotlight on our incredible committee!

I'm very passionate about encouraging and supporting students from all backgrounds to consider a career in Medicine, and ICSM Vision is the perfect society that lets me do that!