Photo of Janine Dacanay

Janine Dacanay

Vision: Publicity Officer

Hellooooo, I’m Janine, a 5th year medic :) I’m currently one of the Publicity Officers for Vision and would like to re-run for the position. I’ve volunteered for lots of different Vision events throughout my years at med school, and would really like to spend my final year doing the same. As publicity officer this year, I helped design all the social media posts for our events, ran Instagram takeovers during our events, and helped redesign the Personal Statement Guide. Next year, in addition to what we did this you, I would specifically love to make PDF guides for each event for students to be emailed home. Now that I fully understand the role and timelines involved in each event, I am confident I would be able to achieve these goals.

In addition to my experience as Publicity Officer, I’ve had creative positions in many other societies including Arts Director for ICSM Drama, where I’ve been in charge of designing backdrops/props/costumes for our plays. I believe I have the skills to continue creating amazing social media posts/conference packs and would love to support the society as much as I possibly can as a part of committee next year. Vision does such an important role in widening access to medicine and I would love to help continue doing the great work Vision does.