Vision: Publicity Officer


Sreenithi Bhuvaneshwaran

Hi my name is Sreenithi, I’m a 2nd year medical student and I am running for publicity officer! From my role in ICSM Vision’s MMA Day last year, I’ve seen how beneficial Vision’s events are to aspiring medical students, from giving more exposure and background to the career they are considering, to providing support with every stage of the application process. I believe widening participa ...

Anusha Manikandan

Hi everyone, I'm Anusha, and I would love to be Publicity Officer for ICSM Vision! I love the ethos behind ICSM Vision, where we encourage everyone to consider a career in medicine, no matter their background. Social media is the biggest platform through which we can spread our message and reach all students from across London, and I believe that as Publicity Officer I can make our society reach more people than e ...

Janine Dacanay

Hellooooo, I’m Janine, a 5th year medic :) I’m currently one of the Publicity Officers for Vision and would like to re-run for the position. I’ve volunteered for lots of different Vision events throughout my years at med school, and would really like to spend my final year doing the same. As publicity officer this year, I helped design all the social media posts for our events, ran Instagram takeove ...

Thevinya Gurugama

Hi everyone! I'm Thevinya, a second year medic and I'd like to be your publicity officer this year. Applying to medicine felt like an impossible task - I didn't know where to start. Having talked to current medical students and getting their advice was what put me on the right track. As the publicity officer I would like to reach out to as many prospective students as I can, networking with local sixth form colleges ...