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Sreenithi Bhuvaneshwaran

Vision: Publicity Officer

Hi my name is Sreenithi, I’m a 2nd year medical student and I am running for publicity officer!

From my role in ICSM Vision’s MMA Day last year, I’ve seen how beneficial Vision’s events are to aspiring medical students, from giving more exposure and background to the career they are considering, to providing support with every stage of the application process.

I believe widening participation in medical schools is so important, and want to make Vision’s conferences and workshops as impactful as possible by generating enthusiasm for volunteering with the society well ahead of the medical application process.

I have experience of volunteering with Vision from my involvement in the MMI circuit experience part of the MMA Day, and I’ve learnt a lot about the work that goes into promoting these events from volunteering in Nutritank’s N4Y classes, giving me more insight into the role I will take.

As Vision’s publicity officer I plan to maximise the society’s reach by promoting events well and sharing behind the scenes content that reaches both aspiring and current medical students, as well as local secondary schools, to help even more students benefit from Vision’s events.

I am looking forward to getting involved in Vision however I can this year, thanks for reading and please vote for me! :)