Photo of Thevinya Gurugama

Thevinya Gurugama

Vision: Publicity Officer

Hi everyone! I'm Thevinya, a second year medic and I'd like to be your publicity officer this year. Applying to medicine felt like an impossible task - I didn't know where to start. Having talked to current medical students and getting their advice was what put me on the right track.

As the publicity officer I would like to reach out to as many prospective students as I can, networking with local sixth form colleges to help provide an insight of what the life of a medical student would entail and how best to prepare for it. This is a huge responsibility since this would be a pressured time for most medical school applicants and proper planning will be needed to reach out to as many students well in advance to help them gain the most out of all our events. As the head of marketing in Sri Lankan society, I gained useful skills in using canva, video editing and promoting on social media which I believe will come in handy when promoting events. I have also been incharge of procuring sponsors for large events which helped me develop networking and communication skills that I believe will be beneficial as a publicity officer.

I will face challenges along the way but I am a resilient and hardworking individual, thus I can't wait to help improve the future medics with their journey into medicine!