Photo of Shreeya Agarwal

Shreeya Agarwal

Indian: Events Officer

Hey everyone, it’s Shreeya and Samya, (hopefully your future events officers)! We have come to love this Indian Society Community over our first year at uni and wish to contribute to this family by planning some vibrant and inclusive events. Our vision is simple: Plan events that reflect our society’s diversity and values.

We know you love IndianSoc as much as we do which is why we want to fill IndianSoc with exciting new and existing events – to keep you engaged between the glamour of the main headlines. In a nutshell, we will:

  • Organise Bollywood movie and game nights
  • Plan more sporting events – sports teams and cricket match screenings
  • Increase Mums and Dads engagement with freshers
  • Create ALL INDIA DAY – An event to celebrate the culture and diversity of all parts of India
  • Increase collaboration with other Indian cultural socities

We are both active MEMBERS OF SUBCOMMITTEE with valuable EXPERIENCE PLANNING SUCCESSFUL EVENTS and have efficient communication needed to carry them out. We’ve also both had experience running events in high school, from Diwali Balls to Taste of India food nights. All your opinions will be the priority and we’ll promise to consider the feedback after every event.

Help us keep our societies events fun and make them even more inclusive. Help us help you guys have the best time with Indian Society. Vote for Shreeya and Samya for Events Officer!