Chemical Engineering: Industrial Relations and Sponsorship Officer


Varshini Chandrasekaran

Hello People of ChemEngSoc! I’m Varshini Chandrasekaran, a first-year student running for Industrial Relations and Sponsorship Officer. In 2023-2024, I was part of the subcommittee that brought you the SME career fair! My experience made me realize; I want to do more to help our students. As your IR officer, I want all our students to know what options are available for them in their professional lives and how ...

Samhat Rahman

Why vote for me? —-> Support the goal of making connections with organisations that reduce climate change, invalidates inhumane conflict, and improves lives. —-> Have events where companies discuss their current projects instead of briefly introducing them. This allows us to have an in-depth understanding of what is expected of us as engineers and how these businesses are developed. Alumni talks w ...

Atharva Vaishampayan

Hi, I'm Atharva, and I'm excited to be running for the position of Industrial Relations & Sponsorship Officer. To ensure that every student has a worthwhile and interesting experience during our time at Imperial, I want to forge strong connections between our academic endeavours and the practical components of our course. Linking with Industry: I'll plan interactive seminars and workshops that will prov ...