Photo of jordon Millward

jordon Millward

Postgraduate Research Representation Chair

As your PGR chair, I am excited to continue the work I've been doing over the last academic year and share my plans with you. I am a 3rd year PhD student in Life Sciences and CHERS. I have been working closely with the Graduate School team to ensure that postgraduate professional development remains a valuable resource for all of us.
My main goal as PGR chair is to strengthen the sense of the postgraduate community further. To achieve this, I want to encourage collaboration within existing college systems and introduce easier ways for students to network and connect between departments such as entrepreneurship and research. A more connected network between postgraduates, postdocs, and alums can be a tool for shared success.
In addition to this project, I am committed to identifying and providing resources for postgraduate and undergraduate students to improve their welfare needs. While we have seen improvements in the parent and carers network and for WP students, I want to develop further provisions for our commuting and self-funded students to ensure we recognise their unique challenges.
Finally, I want to support students facing difficulties finding relevant part-time work or supporting themselves during the cost of living pressures. I will look at enhancing provisions and support offered for home and international students to work either within the Imperial GTA program or as part of organisations such as the Brilliant Club, where they can gain teaching experience based on their degree whilst working within the UK education system.