Postgraduate Research Representation Chair


Jing Xu

Hello everyone! I' m Jing Xu, am from Beijing, China, and am President's PhD Scholar in Computing at Imperial College. I am currently working as a council representative (PG Engineering) in the Imperial College Union, council member of UK Tsinghua Association, and organizational committee member of world economic forum global shapers community SSI. I am now looking to take the experience I have gained to date one ste ...

jordon Millward

As your PGR chair, I am excited to continue the work I've been doing over the last academic year and share my plans with you. I am a 3rd year PhD student in Life Sciences and CHERS. I have been working closely with the Graduate School team to ensure that postgraduate professional development remains a valuable resource for all of us.My main goal as PGR chair is to strengthen the sense of the postgraduate community fu ...