Photo of Devangi Vyas

Devangi Vyas

ICSMSU: Secretary & Communications Officer

Hello everyone! I’m Devangi, a second year medic hoping to represent you as your secretary and communications officer. With a passion for being a verbal virtuoso, I hope to keep our community supportive, facilitate meaningful connections and amplify student voices on all platforms. Here are my proposed initiatives to keep everyone in the loop:

  • Improve regular communication channels such as newsletters, websites and social media platforms so important updates reach everyone in a timely manner. By establishing the centralised system I can continue the smooth collaboration of su.
  • Forge more frequent partnerships within different union streams to better advocate student interests and address issues affecting our medical community.
  • Enhance the visibility and impact of union initiatives, by promoting activities across all platforms, using creative marketing strategies and multimedia resources to raise awareness.
  • Foster a culture of transparency and inclusivity by maintaining comprehensive records/meeting minutes that are readily available to all members. Furthermore, I plan on increasing platform accessibility for members to easily voice their opinions, concerns and suggestions e.g more instagram takeovers, Q&As and feedback boxes.
  • Implement interactive virtual forums and networking events to increase member engagement and provide opportunities for better student collaboration within the union.

Utilising my previous secretary experience, running social media platforms and being a communication officer for a network of welfare charities, I promise to maintain the icsmsu lines of communication and keep us all well connected. Thank you for reading my manifesto.

Vote for me to construct connections and cut confusion :)