Photo of Jin Tao Zhang

Jin Tao Zhang

ICSMSU: Secretary & Communications Officer

Hi! I'm Jin Tao, and I hope to be your next Secretary and Communications Officer for ICSMSU!

In the past, I have been a part of helping prospective medical school applicants through mentoring and interview preparation, as well as being involved in coordinating and leading group projects. Hence, I am able to bring in my experience in managing time effectively, working in teams, appropriately prioritising tasks, and collaborating with others towards a shared goal – all of which I believe are essential for this role.

In this position, I aim to maintain a continuous dialogue between ICSMSU and its members, ensuring effective communication and transparency for all. I plan to make this happen by:

  • Creating and maintaining clear, engaging communication channels, keeping students informed through the weekly newsletters and social media updates, as well as making feedback channels available students.
  • Managing official communications, including emails and newsletters, on behalf of ICSMSU, as well as acting as a point of contact for the Union.
  • Regularly updating the information on the ICSMSU communication channels with internal and external opportunities available for students.
  • Maintaining meeting minutes, agendas, and records, ensuring smooth operations and fostering transparency.
  • Communicating important information from ICSMSU meetings to students.
  • Coordinating logistics for meetings and events, including booking rooms and preparing the necessary materials.
  • Supporting the president and rest of ICSMSU where needed to aid in the smooth running of the Union.

Thank you taking the time to read my manifesto and I hope to have your vote and support!