Hi! I'm Jin Tao, and I hope to be your next Secretary and Communications Officer for ICSMSU! In the past, I have been a part of helping prospective medical school applicants through mentoring and interview preparation, as well as being involved in coordinating and leading group projects. Hence, I am able to bring in my experience in managing time effectively, working in teams, appropriately prioritising tasks, and c ...
Hello everyone! I’m Devangi, a second year medic hoping to represent you as your secretary and communications officer. With a passion for being a verbal virtuoso, I hope to keep our community supportive, facilitate meaningful connections and amplify student voices on all platforms. Here are my proposed initiatives to keep everyone in the loop: Improve regular communication channels such as newsletters, websi ...
Hey! I’m Sarah, a 4th year Medic and I’m running to be your next Secretary and Communications Officer! Having been on various committees, I understand just how much hard work students put into their roles and want to be able to share their achievements with the wider ICSM community. With this position, I aim to increase transparency between the SU and the rest of the medical school and to provide a platf ...