Yooo wopoooo - It's Aamani (aka Cocky Fresher) I may be a stranger to the pool, but I’m no stranger to Sports Night— and as some of you may recall (because I sure don’t), I left my mark on Fresher’s Curry by *allegedly* watering a plant pot. And if there’s one thing I’m fully committed to, it’s making sure Waterpolo continues to be the loudest, choatic, and most legendary dr ...
Fellow lovers of wopo, I know my pint time isn't the fastest, or my megapint time either, but in my opinion, I have a few qualities which would make me a good social sec. Firstly, I am a very organised person. I am on time to every sports night and have not missed a single one in 2025. I will always be turning up at Reynolds at 6pm, and Embargos at 11pm. Secondly, I am very good at getting blackout drunk. Think abo ...
Dear Alcoholics Aquaholics, Whether running for social secretory was always my ultimate fate within Imperial, or whether there is just a serious lack of competition for the position this year, we will never know. Either way, I am prepared to make a serious commitment to the WoPo community and ensure it remains the best club. My promises: Introduce new drinking games (no more zimmi-zimmi) Fun socials – ...