Jolie McGreavy
Water Polo (ICSM): Social Secretary
Dear Alcoholics Aquaholics,
Whether running for social secretory was always my ultimate fate within Imperial, or whether there is just a serious lack of competition for the position this year, we will never know. Either way, I am prepared to make a serious commitment to the WoPo community and ensure it remains the best club.
My promises:
- Introduce new drinking games (no more zimmi-zimmi)
- Fun socials – within our club and with other medics’ clubs
- Inspire people to attend training; whilst there’s no need to drink responsibly, let’s make sure we’re training responsibly.
- The last 3 people at Reynold’s will be greeted with a shot of some Eastern European spirit that was brewed in my grandfather’s garden
- Recruit the new freshers: blackmail, bribery, begging – whatever it takes
- Work with the publicity officer to improve our social media presence
Why I am an ideal candidate:
- I used to be a competitive swimmer, and I am now channelling this energy into water polo
- I’m very easy to work with
- I love alcohol
- I have been writing my mom’s emails since I was 5 (she’s foreign)
What I plan to ‘learn on the job’:
- How NOT to take 32 seconds to smash a pint.
Please vote for me, or don’t. As an Eastern European, I have mastered the art of rising to power without the need to be elected. I offer a strong incentive (lots of alcohol) to those who decide to vote for me.
Much PoLove,
Your future social secretary (hopefully…)