Debating: Public Debates Officer


Kanishk Patil

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Larion Aklan

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Ritwik Mittapalli

Public debates are not particularly frequent; however, they are some of the most high-profile events that Debating Society runs. Here are a few reasons why I am the best candidate for making these events run smoothly and are entertaining. Firstly, I think that being younger is a big advantage in running public debates. Being in my first year, I am in contact with a large number of people in Imperial, a lot of whom a ...

Manomay Lala-Raykar

Since I joined DebateSoc in 2024, I have made new friends and grown incredibly as a person. It is all thanks to you all, and now it’s my honour to offer my service in return. Are you looking for… more people in DebateSoc? As your Public Debates Officer, I’ll reach out to societies and organizations, and organize events which introduce students to debate and show that it is truly for everyone ...