Hi everyone! My name is Abisha, and I’m a third-year medical student with a strong passion for oncology and medical education. I’m excited to be running for Academic Officer, a role that would allow me to enhance student learning whilst expanding Onco Soc’s impact. This year, I had the opportunity to be part of the Onco Soc subcommittee, where I contributed to event planning and gained valuable in ...
Hello! My name is Vaishally and I am a second-year medical student running for the role of Oncology Society Academic Officer. My interest in oncology has led me to find ways to get involved in the field outside of the curriculum, and I’m excited to create valuable learning opportunities for students at all levels. As a subcommittee member for the Oncology Society, I contributed to organising events such as t ...
Hi I'm a second year and running for academic officer this year. I'm passionate about the oncology specialties! I would like to hold more informative and networking sessions where we get to learn about oncology from specialists themselves. I would also like to get a weekly email sent out and hold workshops where we learn about and simulate procedures commonly carried out in oncology! I'll leave it there and thank y ...
Hey guys, my name is Bari, a 3rd year medical student with a passion for teaching. You may even recognise me from the numerous tutorials that I have done for various societies! Being academic officer will allow me to help make difficult concepts simpler and easier to follow than it was for myself. Self-teaching all the conditions and metabolic pathways is tough and it’s difficult to know where to start. That i ...
Hello everyone, I'm Raaga, I’ve been to some events by the Onco society, which aspired me to apply to this position and contribute more Thanks Raaga :)