Photo of Abisha Suyathasan

Abisha Suyathasan

Oncology: Academic Officer

Hi everyone!

My name is Abisha, and I’m a third-year medical student with a strong passion for oncology and medical education. I’m excited to be running for Academic Officer, a role that would allow me to enhance student learning whilst expanding Onco Soc’s impact.

This year, I had the opportunity to be part of the Onco Soc subcommittee, where I contributed to event planning and gained valuable insight into the society’s work. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this experience, and it has motivated me to take on a greater role in shaping Onco Soc’s academic initiatives.

If elected, I believe that research is integral to oncology, so I would love to introduce journal clubs or research discussions, where we can explore recent studies and identify potential opportunities for involvement- this is something I have prior experience in organising and believe would provide members with valuable exposure to current advancements in the field. Additionally, I aim to strengthen collaboration with societies like SurgSoc and Plastics, hosting multidisciplinary events that highlight oncology’s intersection with other specialties. Furthermore, I would love to organise specialist panels, such as a lung cancer awareness event in November- coinciding with Lung Cancer Awareness Month- where oncologists could discuss early detection, treatment advancements, and patient outcomes, which is also useful and relevant to content we learn.

I feel I am able to bring strong event-planning and leadership skills to this role. Most importantly, I am committed to making Onco Soc’s academic initiatives more impactful.

Thank you for reading :)