Tennis: Vice President


Nabil Alizadeh

Hey, I'm Nabil and I'm running for Vice President this year! I have played tennis my whole life, played a few junior itfs, and now play for M1. Even though I have unfortunately had more than one 9-4 chokes this year (it doesn't matter because we didn't get relegated), I won't choke the position of VP. I pledge to force the webmaster to put in a shift on the insta and new tiktok (Malhar who?) and will make anything o ...

Marta García Belza

Hi everyone!It's Marta, W2 player and former Team Captain, eager to come back on committee and enhance our uni experience as part of the BEST SPORTS CLUB AT IMPERIAL (and yes, it will be again next year ;) ).For those of you who don't know me, I'm a ChemEng student with a devoted passion for tennis (hey, we already have something in common!) and can't event remember a time without a racket in hand! I'm running for V ...