Marta García Belza
Hi everyone!
It's Marta, W2 player and former Team Captain, eager to come back on committee and enhance our uni experience as part of the BEST SPORTS CLUB AT IMPERIAL (and yes, it will be again next year ;) ).
For those of you who don't know me, I'm a ChemEng student with a devoted passion for tennis (hey, we already have something in common!) and can't event remember a time without a racket in hand!
I'm running for Vice-President because I would like to exploit the amazing potential of our community. Since joining Imperial & ICLTC, I’ve worked closely with committee members, BUCS, and Imperial Athletes, gaining key insights into how the club is run. My experience as Vice Chair and Sponsorships Officer of another society at Imperial for the past 3 years has equipped me with valuable skills at forming partnerships with external companies, organising and offering heavily subsidised events for students, and I wish to transfer these skills to make the following objectives happen:
- Bridging the gap between Social Tennis and those in Teams through different kinds of gatherings, both on-court and off-court of course!
- Securing sponsors to:
- Continue having Imperial tennis kit at a subsidised price
- Increase our training times/quality, which leads onto the following point...
- Include coached sessions in both social and performance training
- Tennis Tour 2025/26 anyone? And where are those regular Team Players bonding & social outings? Let's make them happen!
Thank you for your precious time and consideration - Vote Marta for Vice Chair!