Dodgeball: Social Secretary


Jago King

waddup Why should you vote me for social sec? Because I am very social (secretary) I will drink alcohol with (or without) you I will put on fun events consistently I will ensure non-alcoholic events so Prince has no excuse not to come I will not take after the unsocial social secs (sorry Alex and Sabrina) I will prioritise my role as social sec over my role as the club's best dodgeball player if you p ...

Jeremy He

This candidate did not supply a manifesto.

Elodie Stephens

Guarenteed lit. Picnic! Rage room! Neon night time dodgeball! A few of my lit social ideas. Very committed to socials (perhaps too much). Experienced drinker and experienced sober queen = more sober-friendly socials as well as lots of drinking if you fw that. My history of dying at socials (evidence: ACC pres) means I know how to take care of those who follow in my footsteps and go too far. We all know drama can ...