Photo of Elodie Stephens

Elodie Stephens

Dodgeball: Social Secretary

Guarenteed lit.

Picnic! Rage room! Neon night time dodgeball! A few of my lit social ideas.

Very committed to socials (perhaps too much).

Experienced drinker and experienced sober queen = more sober-friendly socials as well as lots of drinking if you fw that.

My history of dying at socials (evidence: ACC pres) means I know how to take care of those who follow in my footsteps and go too far.

We all know drama can arise in dodgeball soc. That's why starting next year all disagreements are to be settled by dance battle.

I will take us to at least one ACC (also with a good costume theme because I'm very creative ;) ).

If the socials are ever too quiet, I am capable of filling the silence (only if absolutely necessary I promise).

Very inclusive (will yap with anyone).

Currently searching for a new pres location (aka my second year accom).

Sandstorm by Darude plays at every social.

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