Hey everyone! I’m Marya, running for Trauma Conference Chair to make next year’s event even more innovative, internationally recognised, and impactful. As this year’s Trauma Personnel Officer, I’ve also helped organise 11 conferences and contributed to WinSSA, iPRAS, Transplant & Vascular Society, and Duke University’s FLPSUS programme. With my background in event management, intern ...
Hey guys! I’m Kalista and I’m running to be your next Trauma Chair 🪑🫶🏼 I've organized many conferences, from last year’s Trauma to the first-ever RAG Conference. With hands-on experience in sponsorship and finance, one of the toughest aspects of a conference, I know what it takes to make a conference successful. As a resident influencer I also know how to create engaging content to promote the c ...
Hi! I would love to be trauma chair for surgical society this year and have lots of experience! Working as Potmed lead, under MM, and running events like the Potmed conference and intensives gave me firsthand experience of how to organise massive events with 200+ attendees. The same skills of contacting speakers, organsing volunteers and a subcom and managing huge numbers of people on a day, are all skills I learnt a ...
Hi everyone, my name is Prav and I’m running to be your next Trauma Chair. With the 20th anniversary coming up, I am excited to take this opportunity not only to build upon the excellent work of previous years but look to revamp and provide a new angle to this year’s conference. Having served as Personnel Officer in last year's Trauma Subcommittee, as well as providing on-the-day logistical support for b ...