Medical Education: Co-Chair


Vin Gomes

Hello we are Vin and Simi, and we are running to be your MedEd Co-chairs! Over the past year, being the Early Years coordinators has given us the opportunity to engage in the behind-the-scenes aspects of MedEd whilst also enhancing our personal skills. From organising the crashcourses and the CPA mock to launching the first ever MedEd Anatomy series - we've enjoyed every moment of the experience. In the ...

Clement Dusserre Cordonnier

Hey everyone! I’m Clement (you might know me as Clem), 2nd year and running for Co-Chair of Medical Education! Before I say anything else I would like to emphasise how passionate I am about medical education. I love helping others learn, whether it’s tutoring my peers or delivering an online anatomy lecture to first-years on the thorax (which was an absolute blast!). I believe that passion drives the be ...

Simi Adewale

Hello we are Vin and Simi, and we are running to be your MedEd Co-chairs! Over the past year, being the Early Years coordinators has given us the opportunity to engage in the behind-the-scenes aspects of MedEd whilst also enhancing our personal skills. From organising the crashcourses and the CPA mock to launching the first ever MedEd Anatomy series - we've enjoyed every moment of the experience. In the ...