Clement Dusserre Cordonnier
Hey everyone! I’m Clement (you might know me as Clem), 2nd year and running for Co-Chair of Medical Education!
Before I say anything else I would like to emphasise how passionate I am about medical education. I love helping others learn, whether it’s tutoring my peers or delivering an online anatomy lecture to first-years on the thorax (which was an absolute blast!). I believe that passion drives the best results in education, and I’m excited to bring that energy to MedEd.
I’m also highly organised – I’ve balanced the demands of Imperial med with extra curicullar activities such as Spanish Level 4 and ICSM Fashion Show, and I know how to get things done on time. I’ll make sure everything runs smoothly and that we create the best possible learning opportunities for everyone.
Most importantly, I’m committed to collaboration. I want to make MedEd a place where everyone’s voice is heard, with a special interest in making teams sessions genuinely engaging and interactive, where we don’t just listen passively but actively discuss, ask questions, and tackle challenging topics together. By encouraging team discussions and problem-solving, we can make these sessions stimulating and dynamic, ensuring everyone leaves with a better understanding and the confidence to tackle not just their exams but their future careers as well!
If you want a Co-Chair who’s passionate, organised, and driven to help you succeed, I’d be honoured to have your vote!
Thanks for considering me – let’s make this year awesome!