Hello! I'm Akshaya Muthirulandi, and I am excited to be running for the position of Surgical Society Secretary. You might be wondering—why choose me? Well, I’m a dedicated, proactive individual with the skills needed to ensure the smooth functioning of our society. Over the past two years, I have had the privilege of serving on the Surgical Society subcommittee and, more recently, as the current webmaste ...
I’m Lance Angelo Domingo and I’m a 4th year medic doing cardiovascular sciences BSc! I would like to run for secretary this year for surgical society as I want to elevate the experiences that this club provides for the medics who are interested in surgery. I attended the annual surgical conference this year and really enjoyed the different workshops and talks from the variety of speakers - this is an ev ...
Within ICSM, secretary means different things across societies. On the whole, it is traditionally a supportive role, responsible for organisation, representation and streamlining the activities of a society. Over the past year, working in the ICSMSU has given me clear perspectives on what successful committees look like, and the role of secretary is paramount in this. A well-oiled committee with individuals that trus ...