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Hamzah Raza

Surgical: Secretary

Within ICSM, secretary means different things across societies. On the whole, it is traditionally a supportive role, responsible for organisation, representation and streamlining the activities of a society. Over the past year, working in the ICSMSU has given me clear perspectives on what successful committees look like, and the role of secretary is paramount in this. A well-oiled committee with individuals that trust each other and work together effectively is a significant determinant of the society’s success. With SU, I played a key role in fresher’s fortnight, demonstrating responsibility and resourcefulness.

Last week, alongside Abith and Alwin, I successfully ran the CPA mock – for which we have received insightful feedback for. I was also asked to step up during the Orthopaedic Skills day, where on short notice, I was able to offer last-minute help to ensure the day ran smoothly.

Acknowledging that SurgSoc may only receive funding for Trauma – it’s flagship event, I would like to explore more outreach options for the skills days. Furthermore, I will step in and offer my time in cases of events being cancelled due to committee being indisposed – as was the case with Vascular Skills Day this year. Finally, I would like to explore the option of reconnecting with our previous workshop leads and speakers for the colorectal/gensurg skills days we used to run, as these are of great historical significance in the society and the leads are very keen for it to return.

I thank you for reading my manifesto.