Bio Engineering: President


Huaihou Yang

Hello everyone! I am Huaihou (Apollo) Yang, the current Council Representative at ICU and Spanner Bearer at CGCU. It was a great honour to run for the President of Bio Engineering Society. With your help, I hope to build an inclusive, engaging and empowering society. Here’s what I aim to achieve in terms of social, academia and industry to make BioEng Society an integral and unforgettable part of your college ...

Yuichiro Minamikawa

Hey everyone! I'm Yuichiro (or Yui), a 3rd Year MBE and your current Academic and Technical Events Coordinator. You've probably seen me UTAing or wandering around RSM with a huge bass guitar. I'm running for President because I want to strengthen connections within BioEng - between students, staff, alumni and industry - while making the society more social and exciting. University is all about building meaningful ...